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Valuable Voices,
     Powerful Stories

Valuable Voices,
     Powerful Stories

People’s Experience

At Families USA, we share a conviction that the voice of the individual — a patient, consumer, or advocate — should be at the forefront of our mission to achieve true health for all. Storytellers can help us to illustrate an issue, policy, or problem, so someone may see themselves or a family member in that situation, and know they are not alone.

The goal of our story bank is to elevate the People’s Experience, to ensure that policy makers, the media, and people like you hear directly from those who have had difficulties or successes in our health care system. We believe that your voices have value, have power, and storytellers help the people we advocate with to better understand who we are advocating for.

You are the voice, the face, and the push behind the policy, your story matters.

Health Care Coverage

People in every state, no matter who they are or where they are from, deserve access to affordable, equitable, and comprehensive coverage options that meet all of their needs. However, more than half of those living in America are worried about affording the care they need. Some fall into the gaps in our health insurance system leaving them without coverage, and others cannot afford private health insurance but also do not qualify for public services like Medicare and Medicaid. Choose a story below to learn more about coverage experiences.

No Returns on Insurance Investment

After going off his parents insurance, Nate quickly chose a new insurance plan, but later realized it was a junk short-term plan, covering very little and with high copays and other costs. The providers of Nate's old plan were recently sued by the FTC for providing junk coverage, and he recieved money from the settlement.

Read Nate’s story
Life-Saving Credits for Coverage

Holly and her family had employer-sponsered insurance through her husband's work, so they worried what would happen when her husband was laid-off. With the help of advance premium tax credits (APTCs) Holly's family has good, affordable coverage with tax credits to pay for monthly premiums.

Read Holly’s story
A Mother's Fight for Expedited Care

Stephanie needed iron infusions following a kidney transplant, but care was delayed due to issues with prior authorization through her insurance provider. Thanks to the repeated efforts of Stephanie's mother Lauren, her caretaker and advocate, Stephanie got the care she needed within 72 hours. A health advocate in her own right, Lauren wonders "how are other patients dealing with this?"

Read Stephanie’s story

Health Equity

Everyone in America should have the opportunity to live their healthiest life no matter who we are, where we are from, or where we live. But, there are systematic and historical inequities baked into our health system; children and individuals, particularly in Black and brown communities, are not living in safe environments, do not have access to healthy foods, or their health is suffering because they can’t breathe fresh air. The financial incentives do not make health for all the primary focus of our health care system, particularly for Black and brown communities, immigrants, LGBTQ+ people, and other historically oppressed groups. This system makes people feel they don’t have power, doesn’t listen to them, and doesn’t treat everyone the same. Choose a story below to learn more about health equity experiences.

Honoring the Whole Person: Kea’s Birth Experience

Kea had a plan. Pregnant with her first child, she knew she wanted a natural birth, and she wanted her birth experience to be an experience that was unique to her. However, she felt dismissed by doctors when she made requests, and ignored at appointments. Kea switched to a birth center, and everything changed for the better.

Read Kea’s story
Challenges of COVID-19 Testing Criteria

Tamara's 18 month old grandson fell ill with a slight cough and signs mirroring COVID-19, but was not tested by his pediatrician. After his oxygen levels dropped, he was taken to the ER but was still not tested for COVID-19 due to not meeting testing criteria.

Read Tamara’s story

Health Care Value

Everyone deserves to live their healthiest life, but as a nation, we spend over $4 trillion a year on health care, yet the quality of care we receive, and our overall health outcomes are not improving. We are all trapped in a complex system that’s driving individuals and their families into crushing medical debt and is not keeping us healthy. More than half of Americans are worried about affording health care and a third are forced to choose between paying for rent, groceries, or other essentials and health care. We deserve better, higher-quality health care. Choose a story below to learn more health care value experiences.

Why Don't We Know, Before We Go?

When she was 16 years old Christine needed a life-saving surgery at a childrens hospital out-of-state. The hours long ambulance ride resulted in an over $5,000 surprise bill that her parents weren't prepared for, placing a heavy financial toll on the family. How can patients be protected from these surprise bills?

Read Christine’s story
Treat Me, the Person, Not Just My Symptoms

After several years of struggling and meeting with numerous doctors, Laura was finally diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. The prescriptions needed for her condition are not covered by her insurance, despite appeals by her doctors. Laura is faced with the difficult choice of paying for food, or paying for medication.

Read Laura’s story
Financial Tolls of a Persistent Illness

Sue and John own a small business, but with Sue's rhumetoid arthritis they struggled to pay for high health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs. When receiving care they were not informed of pricing, and expected to blindly pay thousands of dollars for treatment. John and Sue had to sacrifice milestone celebrations, like their 20th anniversary trip to pay for their outrageous medical bills.

Read John’s story
More Health Care Value Stories