The 6th Circuit Court of the United States ruled today that the individual responsibility provision of the Affordable Care Act is constitutional. In their decision, the court writes “We find that the minimum coverage provision… Read more.
06.29.2011 /
Erin Kelly,
Insights Column
Over the past few years, we’ve told you some truly bizarre stories about what people do in search of affordable health care. One woman got married to a man she barely knew to get… Read more.
06.22.2011 /
Erin Kelly,
Insights Column
This blog was written by Dr. Zaneb Beams and originally posted on Doctor's for America's blog. It’s different when you lose a patient in private practice. In the ICU, you expect to lose patients. They… Read more.
06.15.2011 /
Insights Column
This blog was originally posted on the Huffington Post. There's encouraging news out of Atlanta today for all Americans. The third hearing before the court of appeals left me feeling optimistic about the future of… Read more.
06.10.2011 /
Ron Pollack,
Insights Column
When people talk about how expensive health care is, they are often talking about how expensive it is for people who don’t have insurance. The thinking goes that if a person has insurance, they… Read more.
06.03.2011 /
Colleen Haller,
Insights Column