IOM Preventive Care Recommendations: Beyond Contraception
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently released its recommendations on which services should be added to the list of preventive services new insurance plans must offer at no cost to the patient un...
View MoreA win for women
Last month, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended that a range of benefits essential to women’s health be included as preventive benefits and therefore offered free of charge in all new health...
View MoreIOM Preventive Care Recommendations: Helping Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence
This week, the Department of Health and Human Services took a recommendation from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to add screening and counseling to detect and prevent domestic and int...
View MoreGiving Babies and New Mothers an Healthy Start
Earlier this week, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) decided to adopt all of the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) eight recommendations for fully covered preventive services. This ste...
View MoreHow the Affordable Care Act is helping small businesses
You desperately want to change careers, but don’t want to risk it knowing you may lose your health insurance. You’ve thought about heading out on your own, but you know you couldn’t afford insur...
View MoreThe Impact of Medicaid Expansion on State Budgets
States’ experience shows that Medicaid expansion at the enhanced federal match can generate state savings across multiple budget areas. Those savings can be substantial, offsetting most or all of th...
View MoreOptions to Generate the State Share of Medicaid Expansion Costs
In 2020, states that expanded Medicaid will be required to pay for 10 percent of the program’s costs, with the federal government picking up the remaining 90 percent of the costs of Medicaid expansi...
View MoreState Plan Amendment vs Medicaid 1115 Waiver Process and Timelines
As more states consider expanding Medicaid, it is important for legislators and policy-makers to understand that adding expansion features which require federal approval—like a work ...
View MoreState Plan Amendment Approval Time Frames
There are various ways that states can change their Medicaid program. A change that complies with Medicaid law, such as a straight Medicaid expansion like those approved in recent ballot initiatives i...
View MoreInnovative Options to Cut Health Insurance Costs by Expanding the Circle of Coverage
This report explores near-term state options for lowering insurance costs in the individual market by expanding the circle of coverage, focusing on policy approaches that are innovative, practical, an...
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