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Insights Column 09.27.2012

ObamaCare vs. RomneyCandidateCare

Andrea’s last post comparing ObamaCare to Romney’s Massachusetts Health Insurance Law (RomneyCare) might leave you with the impression that Romney would do something similar for the nation should he be elected in November. Unfortunately, everything Governor…

Insights Column 09.26.2012

Taking Cost Out of the Equation in Family Planning

99 percent of sexually active women aged 15 to 44 have used some form of birth control in their lives. This probably isn't news to most women who have made personal family planning decisions and…

Insights Column 09.25.2012

Obamacare Empowers Young Health Care Consumers

This blog was written by a guest blogger from Maryland.  I am a 25-year-old underemployed recent college graduate. I received a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Maryland in the…

Insights Column 09.25.2012

In Their Own Words

No one should ever have to choose between getting an education and quality health coverage. Unfortunately, before March 23, 2010, that was a choice that too many young adultshad to face. But now, because the…

Insights Column 09.20.2012

Latinos and the Health Care Law

Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate the great contributions made by the Latino community. It’s also a chance to discuss the difficulties this community continually faces and reflect on the opportunities we…

Insights Column 09.19.2012

Shopping for Health Care Just Got a Lot Easier!

Originally posted on Huffington Post. OK, I'm not prepared to say that shopping for health insurance is ever going to be as easy as shopping for a can of soup, but on September 23 it's…

Insights Column 09.12.2012

More Consumer Savings Thanks to Obamacare

Did you get a rebate check in the mail last month from your insurance company? Were you pleasantly surprised to see a smaller increase—or no increase at all—in your insurance premium this year? If…

Insights Column 09.12.2012

Obamacare Worked for Young Adults

Many of the important reforms that Obamacare provides will take a couple more years to be complete—big change takes time. But one already implemented provision has made a huge difference in more than a…

Insights Column 09.11.2012

Doctors for America

We all need a good wake up and shake up once in a while, maybe often—both personally and professionally. We need something to come along and give our smug complacency a good rattle. Recently,…

Insights Column 09.06.2012

Health Care Voices From The Front Lines

Yesterday morning, Families USA and SEIU hosted a health care forum at the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte. Leading health care visionaries and activists gathered to celebrate the historic victory of the Affordable…