2012 Archives - Page 4 of 10 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


The Affordable Care Act Saved My Future

It only took one night for my financial standing to turn upside down. As a recent college graduate and soon-to-be graduate student, money is scarce and I worry about every dollar I spend. During colle...

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Mary Brown Doesn’t Have Unpaid Broccoli Bills

It's hard to miss the irony: Mary Brown, the lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court case challenging the health care law, who claimed in court she "doesn't have insurance" and "doesn't want to pay for ...

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What’s at Stake – No, Who’s at Stake in the Great Supreme Court Case?

This blog is cross-posted from the National Council of La Raza. By: Jennifer Ng'andu, Deputy Director, Health Policy Project, National Council of La Raza It's probably the hottest seat in Washing...

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Celebrate Two Years of Health Care Protections! Join our Tweet Storm this Friday!

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, people across the country will never again have to worry about being denied health coverage because of a pre-existing condition, being dropped from coverage because ...

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The High Cost of Gender Rating

What could explain a health insurance company charging one 25-year-old nearly double what another pays for the same coverage? No, it's not a pre-existing condition or chronic illness. It's gender....

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Join us for a Spanish Language Twitter Chat

This blog is cross-posted from the Department of Health and Human Services. By Mayra Alvarez, HHS Director of Public Health Policy Posted April 06, 2012 April is National Minority Health Month...

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Obamacare Would Make Insurance Companies Give Consumers Their $2 billion Back

A recent report from the Commonwealth Fund predicts that, if the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) provision of the Affordable Care Act had gone into effect in 2010, consumers would have gotten $2 billion ba...

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Treating a Nationwide Toothache

It's a problem that we don't think about a lot-but it's very important. Many kids and families are not getting the routine dental care they need. There are many possible reasons for this, including th...

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Promoting the Health Care Law Today because Health Equity Can’t Wait

Families USA is proudly taking part in the Health Equity Can't Wait! blog carnival celebrating National Minority Health Month. Participating bloggers are health, consumer, civil rights, and provider a...

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Health Equity Can’t Wait Because Millions of Lives Are on the Line

Families USA is proudly taking part in the Health Equity Can't Wait! blog carnival celebrating National Minority Health Month. Participating bloggers are health, consumer, civil rights, and provider a...

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