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Insights Column 02.10.2014

How Expanding Medicaid Saves Medicare Money

A recent report from the Government Accounting Office(GAO) points to one more reason why expanding health coverage under the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) makes good economic sense. Expanding Medicaid can eliminate gaps in the…

Infographic 01.31.2014

Health Insurance Marketplaces: Who is enrolling

The first half of the open enrollment period for the health insurance marketplaces ended in December 2013. This graphic highlights basic data on consumer enrollment in state-based and federally facilitated marketplaces during this period.

Infographic 01.31.2014

Health Insurance Marketplaces: Who is enrolling

The first half of the open enrollment period for the health insurance marketplaces ended in December 2013. This graphic highlights basic data on consumer enrollment in state-based and federally facilitated marketplaces during this period.

Insights Column 01.25.2014

Live from Health Action 2014…Saturday 1/25/14

From: Talia Schmidt 2:30pm The ballroom is buzzing as colleagues and friends come together for the closing of Health Action 2014. Business cards are exchanged, phone numbers given out, hugs distributed freely and frequently.…

Insights Column 01.24.2014

Live from Health Action 2014…Friday 1/24/14

From Talia Schmidt 6:30pm Families USA’s health system reform expert, Kim Bailey, takes the stage to introduce her panel. Her energy is as evident and bright as her fiery red hair as she asks,…