2020 Archives - Page 22 of 23 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


Connecting Systems that Serve Children to Improve Their Health and Wellbeing

There are several key programs, services, and supports that should be included when developing a broad strategy to improve children’s health and wellbeing. This publication identifies some of the le...

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Medicaid Block Grants: A Mechanism for Devastating Cuts for States and Families

Medicaid Block Grants: A Mechanism for Devastating Cuts for States and Families  After months of speculation, the Trump administration released its guidance on Medicaid block grants on January 30....

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Consumers First Comments on Proposed Transparency in Coverage Rule

Consumers First, an alliance representing employers, providers, consumer organizations, and workers, recently submitted this comment letter to CMS regarding the Transparency in Coverage proposed rule....

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Digital Toolkit: CMS Medicaid Block Grant Guidance

Background Statement On Thursday, January 30, 2020, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) issued guidance that will allow states to shift program funding to block grants through ...

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The Long Term Consequences of Cutting Adult Dental: California’s Access Problems Persist

Cutting Medicaid adult dental coverage has long-term consequences for access to care, even if coverage is later reinstated. As we see in California, cutting dental as a quick “budget fix” can take...

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How to talk about High Drug Prices: A Messaging Guide Developed from Focus Group Findings.

Voters feel that drug prices are out of control and blame drug company greed for the high costs. This issue is personal for many: They tell stories of having to skip expensive medications or make hard...

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Voters Want to End Surprise Medical Billing: Insights from Voter Research

Receiving a surprise bill for out-of-network medical care is a common experience. Our national survey found that 44% of voters have received surprise bills for out-of-network care, and they said it wa...

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#Healthcare – Using Social Media to Advocate for Social Change

#Healthcare - Using Social Media to Advocate for Social Change Workshop Extra Resources: Advocacy in 120 characters: https://phone2action.com/blog/advocacy-140-characters-three-reasons-social-...

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Federal Comment Letter On Nebraska “Heritage Health” 1115 Waiver

Families USA submitted this letter in response to CMS’s request for comments on Nebraska’s application for a new section 1115 waiver to expand Medicaid eligibility to cover individuals up to 138% ...

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