Federal Comment Letter On Nebraska “Heritage Health” 1115 Waiver
By Emmett Ruff, Eliot Fishman,
Families USA submitted this letter in response to CMS’s request for comments on Nebraska’s application for a new section 1115 waiver to expand Medicaid eligibility to cover individuals up to 138% of the Federal Poverty Level and add a number of additional provisions that negatively impact beneficiaries.
As noted in a Families USA analysis, the proposed waiver includes a number of provisions that could compromise the coverage gains that will result from Medicaid expansion. With this waiver, the state proposes to fully expand Medicaid on October 1, 2020, but also waive retroactive eligibility and make receipt of certain benefits contingent on a number of burdensome work and other reporting requirements.
Families USA supports the state’s decision to finally expand its Medicaid program, more than a year after voters passed a ballot initiative in November 2018. However, many of the proposal’s additional provisions jeopardize Nebraskans’ benefits and coverage and should not be approved by CMS or implemented by the state. Click the download button below to read our full comment.
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