2018 Archives - Page 10 of 14 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


Michigan’s Medicaid Work Requirements Bill Will Be Terrible for Family Caregivers

Michigan lawmakers are debating a bill that jeopardizes the Medicaid coverage on which hundreds of thousands of low-income residents rely. While supporters claim the bill will protect people from lo...

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Protecting Medicaid in Kentucky: Q&A with Emily Beauregard

Kentucky’s successful Medicaid expansion is in jeopardy. The Trump administration approved the state’s request to impose work requirements on people who get health coverage through Medicaid which ...

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Four Big Problems with Michigan’s Medicaid Waiver Legislation Aside from the Work Requirement

Today, the Michigan legislature passed a bill that imposes new work and premium requirements on its huge Medicaid expansion population. Families USA and other organizations have written extensively ab...

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Budget Proposal Would Allow States To Drop Medicaid Transportation Benefits Across The Entire Program

Budget Proposal Would Allow States To Drop Medicaid Transportation Benefits Across The Entire Program Without Precedent The need for transportation among Medicaid enrollees is so widespread that e...

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Webinar: Protecting Health Insurance Consumers at the State Level: Short-Term Plans and Beyond

The Trump administration wants to expand the sale of “short-term limited duration plans” that do not have to comply with the consumer protections afforded under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). On...

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Nothing Good in Mississippi’s ‘Fix’ for Medicaid Waiver

Mississippi is a state where parents must have extremely low incomes to qualify for Medicaid. And adults without kids who are not elderly cannot qualify for Medicaid at all, adults unless they have So...

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Let’s Untangle the Red Tape in State Medicaid Proposals

Summer isn’t over, but the comment periods for three critical state Medicaid proposals will end before Labor Day. Each of the proposals will mean more red tape and frustrations for families seeking ...

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Health Care Voters Face Critical Choices in the States in 2018

The health care voter in 2018 will be weighing more than the fate of the Affordable Care Act in Congress. The outcome in many states will determine whether health care options are available for famili...

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Four States to Decide About Medicaid Expansion During Midterm Elections

The fate of Medicaid expansion in Nebraska, Idaho, Utah, and Montana lies in the hands of voters with less than two weeks left until Election Day.  Advocates, volunteers, and grassroots organizers ...

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The Tide is Turning Against Medicaid Work Requirement Waivers

Since July, a grim drumbeat has sounded from Arkansas: thousands of people losing their health insurance every month, disenrolled from Medicaid and “locked out” from rejoining until next year. Thi...

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