This post was originally from Georgetown Center for Children and Families' Say Ahhh! blog By Maureen Hensley-Quinn, National Academy for State Health Policy As state and federal government officials race to meet Affordable Care Act (ACA)… Read more.
04.23.2013 /
Insights Column
This blog was originally posted on Obamacare was designed to give peace of mind to hard-working American families. And starting in January, it will do just that for millions of Americans. In fact, according… Read more.
04.23.2013 /
Ron Pollack,
Insights Column
With spring comes another crop of college graduates. For many, graduation can bring a flood of widely varying emotions. On one hand, there’s the fist-pumping, cap-in-the-air celebration of a diploma in hand: Four years… Read more.
04.19.2013 /
Ron Pollack,
Insights Column
Today President Obama released his proposed budget for the 2014 fiscal year. Unlike the austerity budget passed by House Republicans last month, his proposal protects and strengthens our nation’s health care priorities, including Medicaid, the… Read more.
04.10.2013 /
Ben D’Avanzo,
Insights Column
Lately, some employers, such as Wendy’s and a Five Guysfranchise in North Carolina, have started to grumble about having to pay a penalty if they do not provide quality, affordable health coverage options to their employees starting… Read more.
04.01.2013 /
Amy Traver,
Insights Column