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Insurance companies need to prove rate hikes are justified

Earlier this month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released proposed consumer disclosure notices that insurers would be required to complete electronically when they request rate increases of more than 10 percent.… Read more.

03.17.2011 / Kate Blocher, / Insights Column

Worry less, spend less

Health care costs have risen sharply over the years, and a greater share of the costs has been shifted to the consumer in the form of rising deductibles and higher copayments and co-insurance. To… Read more.

03.17.2011 / Kate Blocher, / Insights Column

Surgeon General Previews Preventive Health Strategy

A recent article by Charles Fiegl reports that U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin has drafted a strategy focused on preventive health care. It is important that Americans stay healthy as we approach 2014, when… Read more.

03.14.2011 / Rachel Bates, / Insights Column

Florida judge says implementation can go forward

Last week, Federal Judge Roger Vinson, who ruled in January that the entire Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional, issued a stay of his own ruling. You might be wondering, what exactly does this mean?… Read more.

03.07.2011 / Erin Kelly, / Insights Column

More money going to health care

One of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act is what’s known as the medical loss ratio requirement—better known as MLR. This requirement at one time caused a mild panic among insurers. But it… Read more.

03.03.2011 / Kate Blocher, / Insights Column