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Health Equity

Webinar: State Health Coverage Strategies for COVID 19

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, there are many state-level policy options that can help to address our communities’ needs. While awaiting additional federal support, many governors, state legislat...

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We’re Focusing on the Wrong Things to Reduce Health Care Costs

In early January, there were two major stories regarding unsuccessful efforts to control health care costs that came out the same day. One involved a disappointing, narrow evaluation of a small progra...

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Learnings in Leadership: Allison Neswood, Denver, Colorado

Allison Neswood, Esq., is a Health Care Attorney with the Colorado Center on Law and Policy. The Colorado Center is a major social justice organization in the state, and Neswood is a health care lead....

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Collateral Damage: The Administration’s Public Charge Immigration Restrictions are Endangering Health Coverage for U.S.-Citizen Children

For more than a generation, Democratic and Republican administrations alike held to two core commitments: Children should have the health insurance they need for a good start in life; and immigrant fa...

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Amicus filed in Doe v Trump, challenging Trump’s Immigration Proclamation

Doe v. Trump challenges President Trump’s immigration proclamation, which would bar the entry of immigrants to the United States unless they demonstrate that they have an “approved” form of heal...

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Families USA’s response to the Supreme Court’s Public Charge Rule decision

Families USA's Eliot Fishman responds to the Supreme Court's decision to let the Public Charge Rule take effect....

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Spotlight on Success: New Mexico Community Health Representative Program Reduces Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease for Rural Zuni Indians

A recent study provides valuable evidence to support the use and integration of community health representatives (CHRs) to prevent chronic kidney disease (CKD) among American Indians. In the study, wh...

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Making Community Health Workers Fundamental: New Research Strengthens the Case for State Policymakers to Include CHWs in Care Delivery Teams

There is considerable evidence that community health workers (CHWs) are an effective and versatile workforce that can improve health outcomes and reduce health care costs for diverse groups and health...

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Advancing Health Equity Through Community Health Workers and Peer Providers: Mounting Evidence and Policy Recommendations

As decision-makers seek to transform health care delivery and payment systems to increase value, improve outcomes, and control costs, they need clinical, health systems, and population health research...

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A National Priority Agenda to Advance Health Equity Through System Transformation

The Health Equity Task Force for Delivery and Payment Transformation’s Top 19 Recommendations for 2019 and Beyond. The United States is struggling with an increasingly expensive and inefficient hea...

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