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Comment 06.07.2019

Open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Children Health Insurance Program, Qualified Health Plan Issuers in Federal Facilitated Exchanges and Enrollee and Beneficiary Resources Regarding Privacy and Security

Families USA recently commented on a proposed CMS regulation aimed at promoting the interoperability of health information technology (health IT). We support the Administration’s efforts to utilize technology innovations in the health care sector as a…

Social Toolkit 06.06.2019

Medicaid Is the Nation’s Safety Net: Five GIFs

Medicaid is the nation's safety net. Tens of millions of working families, children, seniors, and people with disabilities rely on Medicaid. It helps fund doctors and hospitals that deliver health care to people who…

Comment 06.03.2019

Families USA’s Comments on HIT NPRM CMS-9115-P

Families USA recently commented on a proposed CMS regulation aimed at promoting the interoperability of health information technology (health IT). We support the Administration’s efforts to utilize technology innovations in the health care sector…

Insights Column 06.03.2019

Silver Linings for Silver Loading

Stan Dorn, Silver Linings for Silver Loading, Health Affairs Blog, 6/3/2019, One of the strangest chapters in the Affordable Care Act’s history began a few hours after midnight on October 13, 2017. At 2:36…