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Displaying 1341 - 1350 of 1662

Insights Column 03.07.2014

Momentum for Buying Health Insurance Continues to Grow

There are now 24 days until March 31—the last day to buy health insurance through the marketplace. As of the end of January, 3.3 million people had signed up for coverage, and the Obama Administration has…

Infographic 03.04.2014

Financial Assistance and the Affordable Care Act: Who Benefits

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, individuals and families can sign up for health insurance that is affordable, comprehensive, and that offers peace of mind. This 50-state infographic series features state-specific data on how…

Insights Column 02.19.2014

Uptick in Hospital Mergers: A Doubled-Edged Sword for Consumers

Earlier this month, a federal district court judge in Idaho examined whether a merger between a large hospital system, St. Luke’s, and the state’s largest independent network of doctors would create monopoly conditions. This…

Insights Column 02.10.2014

How Expanding Medicaid Saves Medicare Money

A recent report from the Government Accounting Office(GAO) points to one more reason why expanding health coverage under the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) makes good economic sense. Expanding Medicaid can eliminate gaps in the…