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Response to Biden Administration Request for Information: Methods and Leading Practices for Advancing Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through Government

The Federal Office of Management and Budget requested detailed recommendations for federal policy regarding racial and social justice. Families USA and several partners on the Health Equity Task Force...

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Mobilizing To Lower Prescription Drug Costs: Social Media Toolkit

Overview After years of stalling, Congress is finally showing signs that it might be ready to take action to lower the outrageous costs of prescription drugs. BUT IT’S NOT A DONE DEAL! We must make...

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Why does Oklahoma Medicaid Expansion matter?

Steve Goldman [embed]https://youtu.be/4SvwHztDIMo[/embed] OKLAHOMA, #MedicaidExpansion is here! Right now, you can enroll in health coverage that will start on July 1. You can use this health in...

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Consumers First Comment Letter to CMS on FY2022 Inpatient Hospital Payment Rule on Equity and Price Transparency

Consumers First and supporting partners submitted a detailed comment letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation on its FY 2022 Inpatient Prospective Payment System proposed rule. This ...

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Racial Justice and the Social Determinants of Health: Federal Legislative and Administrative Priorities in June 2021

As our nation honors Juneteenth as a national holiday for the first time, this is a critical moment to recommit to the goal of racial justice in health care. June 2021 is a uniquely important inflecti...

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Why does Medicaid Expansion starting on July 1st matter to Missourians?

John McDonald [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU8NMZCoTGs[/embed] "It [Medicaid Expansion] passed but these politicians are trying to slow this down. While they're slowing it down people ...

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Protecting the Health of our Nation’s Essential Workers: Congress Must Lift the “Five-Year Bar” on Medicaid and CHIP

As Congress continues to address the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical that they take immediate action to address a longstanding, unnecessary gap in health coverage by lifting t...

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Virtual Media Briefing: Affordable Care Act: SCOTUS Decides, Families USA Reacts

On June 17, 2021 Families USA policy experts held a briefing for reporters on the Supreme Court’s decision to affirm the Affordable Care Act. They discussed what it means for consumers and the ne...

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Finishing the Job: It’s Time to Build Back Better with Affordable Health Care

by Frederick Isasi, Executive Director at Families USA, and Elizabeth Mitchell, President, and CEO, Purchasers Business Group on Health The realities of COVID-19 have made health and health care re...

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Too Many People Are Skipping or Changing Medications Because They Are Too Expensive

In every U.S. state, a disturbingly high percentage of people face the impossible choice of foregoing or rationing medications so they can afford other basic needs. This pattern is consistent year ove...

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