2017 Archives - Page 11 of 17 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


Reported Upton-Long Amendment Does Virtually Nothing to Address Coverage for People With Pre-Existing Conditions

Families USA's analysis finds the Upton-Long proposal to increase funds for high-risk pools would cover only a fraction of America's health care consumers who have pre-existing conditions: As many as...

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The Republican Health Bill Affects People with Employer-Based Insurance

We know how the House Republican bill could affect people who get insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace and Medicaid. But what has been overlooked is how the bill, known as the A...

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New Connecticut Law Advances Recognition of Community Health Workers

Find out more about Families USA’s initiative to expand the use of community health workers.   Connecticut just took an important step toward improving health outcomes for its most vulnerable r...

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How MACRA Can Reduce Health Disparities

Recently, Families USA submitted comments on a proposed rule from CMS for how it will implement the second year of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA). MACRA was passed in 2015 ...

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Threatening Immigrant Youth Undermines Our Nation’s Health

As health equity advocates, we at Families USA share a fundamental vision of a nation where every single human being has an equitable chance to enjoy the best health possible, no matter who they areâ€...

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If Millions Lose Health Insurance, We’ll All Pay for It in Our Premiums

If the Senate passes a bill repealing the Affordable Care Act and cutting federal funding for Medicaid, the pain will not be limited only to people who rely on the ACA and Medicaid for health coverage...

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Senate Health Care Bill Inflicts More Harm than House Version

The Senate Republicans finally released their bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act. It is now evident why Senate leadership has attempted to withhold details of this bill from the public. This bill ...

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Deductibles Skyrocket for Most Marketplace Enrollees, under Senate Health Care Repeal Bill

ACA opponents often complain about deductibles in the law’s health insurance marketplaces. But under the Senate health care repeal bill, deductibles would skyrocket for most marketplace enrollees. ...

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How the Mechanics of the Cruz Amendment Death Spiral Will Work

A few days ago, we wrote about the Cruz Amendment: “If you create one pool for healthy people and one pool that only covers sick people—those with pre-existing conditions—you are thrusting sick...

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Latest Version of Senate Health Care Bill Fundamentally the Same as Previous Versions

Just as with earlier versions, the latest iteration of the Senate's Affordable Care Act repeal bill would devastate insurance coverage, gut the Medicaid program, and dramatically increase deductibles ...

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