2011 Archives - Page 12 of 14 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


Skyrocketing health costs place a burden on families

With the economy still in a slump, the skyrocketing cost of health care places another burden on families already worried about paying the bills and finding jobs. But things don’t need to be this ba...

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Stand with Phyllis! Tell Rand Paul that Uninsured Americans are Not “Easily Treated”

Phyllis came to Capitol Hill to speak before the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging to answer a fundamental question posed in Chairman Bernie Sanders’s report, “Is Poverty a Death Se...

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How the uninsured affect the insured

If you have insurance, you might not give a second thought to those without it. Think uninsurance doesn’t affect you? Think again. According to a new study funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Founda...

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Health Insurance Premium Update

This blog was originally posted on the White House Blog. Today, we received two updates on health insurance premiums. The Kaiser Family Foundation’s annual survey on health insurance looked back...

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Why a cancer survivor is going without medication

Sandy Kintz of Westport, New York, is a lung cancer survivor, but her daily life is anything but carefree. The former nurse has to use two inhalers and is unable to walk more than 60 feet without stop...

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Reaffirming Our Commitment to Fighting – and Preventing – Breast Cancer

This blog was written by Kathleen Sebelius and originally posted on healthcare.gov. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month – a time to remember those who have lost their lives to brea...

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Health reform helps cancer patients and survivors

Cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of Americans. Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is scary for everyone involved. On top of the emotional impact, the cost of screenings, medication, ...

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Insurers trying to keep secrets from consumers

One of the key aspects of the Affordable Care Act is holding insurance companies more accountable. For far too long, insurers have jacked up the cost of premiums while not having to explain to the co...

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Setting the Record Straight: Privacy and Risk Adjustment

The creation of a risk adjustment program is a vital part of the Affordable Care Act. It lessens the incentive for insurance companies to enroll only healthy people by helping insurers cover the costs...

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It Works! The Affordable Care Act Helps Pennsylvanians with Pre-Existing Conditions

Millions across the country are benefitting from the Affordable Care Act. However, opponents are ignoring its positive results and fighting its implementation. What they don't want you to know is that...

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