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Any Version of Repeal Harms Alaska Natives

    Any bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and cut the Medicaid program would cause immediate and critical problems for American Indian and Alaska Native peoples. Repeal would ta...

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Trump Administration ‘Public Charge’ Rule Threatens Health Care for Immigrant Families, Including U.S. Citizen Children

Last week, the Washington Post published a leaked draft of a proposed regulation to drastically change requirements for certain immigrants to enter the United States and/or become permanent resident...

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How High Prescription Drug Costs Harm Families

Drug companies consistently set high prices, which forces families to make impossible choices between their health care and other basic needs. Drug companies set exorbitant prices by design to maximiz...

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Trump Administration Proposal Redefines Poverty to Raise Health Care Costs for Middle-Class Families

For the second time in less than a month, the Trump administration has proposed obscure bureaucratic formula changes that will raise health care costs for 8.2 million people who buy private insurance ...

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Affordability Together: How Congress Can Cut Health Costs for People Who Buy Their Own Insurance

Despite the Affordable Care Act’s major improvements to the country’s health insurance system, health care costs remain unaffordable for many families. Much attention has focused on the problems o...

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Maryland’s Down Payment Plan: Helping People Get Health Insurance and Lowering Families’ Health Costs

Both before and especially after President Trump and his congressional allies ended federal enforcement of the ACA’s individual mandate, several states established their own enforcement systems. Mar...

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Maryland’s Easy Enrollment Health Program

Broad bipartisan majorities in the Maryland Senate and House, by margins of 46-0 and 119-12, have approved legislation to establish a simple and seamless system for obtaining health coverage. Under ...

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CBO Shows That Medicaid Cuts Grow Only More Severe Over Time

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has supplemented its report on the impact of the proposed Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) with a new projection of Medicaid cuts from 2027-2036. The analysi...

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Latino Health at Risk: What the American Health Care Act Would Mean

Access to quality health coverage and care is essential to living a healthy life. The Affordable Care Act (ACA, also known as Obamacare), has helped provide coverage to 20 million Americans, including...

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Graham-Cassidy Proposal: Gigantic Block Grants and Huge Health Care Cuts

Update 9/21: View our explainer on Graham-Cassidy. Senators Graham (R-SC) and Cassidy (R-LA) have proposed a gigantic new block grant that would dramatically cut funding both for Medicaid expansion ...

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