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For California’s Rural Seniors, Improving Oral Health Care Could Mean Better Health

Oral health matters for seniors in rural California. This population faces major barriers to good oral health, including cost, lack of dental coverage, and limited access to providers. Without address...

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A Deep Dive into the Connections Between Oral and Behavioral Health

Oral health is an important aspect of overall health and influences physical and mental well-being, but receives less of its fair share of attention and resources. For people with mental health condit...

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California’s Seniors Would Benefit From Medicare Oral Health Coverage

Six million Californians rely on the Medicare program. Nationally, about two-thirds of Medicare beneficiaries do not have any coverage for oral health care. Medicare currently covers almost no oral h...

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Working Group on Child Health, Early Childhood, and Adverse Childhood Experiences Principles

Early experiences matter. They shape a child’s developmental trajectory and lifelong health and wellbeing. All too often children are exposed to adverse experiences such as abuse, living with a pare...

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Partial Expansion Does Not Really Close the Coverage Gap: The Impact of Individual Market vs. Medicaid Expansion Coverage for 100-138% FPL Population

This analysis highlights the coverage and financial burden that non-elderly adults between 100-138% of the Federal Poverty Level experience when enrolled in individual market coverage compared to cove...

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The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on State Budgets

States’ experience shows that Medicaid expansion at the enhanced federal match can generate state savings across multiple budget areas. Those savings can be substantial, offsetting most or all of th...

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Options to Generate the State Share of Medicaid Expansion Costs

In 2020, states that expanded Medicaid will be required to pay for 10 percent of the program’s costs, with the federal government picking up the remaining 90 percent of the costs of Medicaid expansi...

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State Plan Amendment vs Medicaid 1115 Waiver Process and Timelines

    As more states consider expanding Medicaid, it is important for legislators and policy-makers to understand that adding expansion features which require federal approval—like a work ...

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State Plan Amendment Approval Time Frames

There are various ways that states can change their Medicaid program. A change that complies with Medicaid law, such as a straight Medicaid expansion like those approved in recent ballot initiatives i...

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Association and Short-Term Health Plans: A Lose-Lose Proposition

Under the guise of creating low-cost health options, the Trump administration has two new regulations that will have dire consequences for two groups: Young and healthy consumers lured into cut-r...

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