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Joint Letter: Consumer Advocacy Organizations Support Including Medicare Oral Health Coverage, H.R. 4650, in H.R. 3 Package

Families USA is encouraged to see Medicare oral health coverage being considered as one of the reforms that could come with H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act. We are gratified to see the introducti...

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Consumers First Comments on Proposed Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems (OPPS) Rule

The Consumers First steering committee submitted these comments on CMS’s Proposed Changes to Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems (OPPS) rule. The policy changes reflected in this comment...

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Consumers First Comments on Proposed Physician Fee Schedule Rule

The policy changes reflected in this comment letter represent an important step toward realigning the fundamental economic incentives in the health care system to truly meet the needs of all families,...

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Medicaid Stakeholder Comments on Proposed Access Rule

On September 13, Families USA was joined by twenty other national Medicaid stakeholder organizations in a comment letter to the administration on their proposal to rescind the Obama era regulation to ...

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Comments on Pending Utah Per Capita Cap 1115 Demonstration

Families USA submitted the attached comments on Utah's request to receive an enhanced 90-10 federal match for its partial expansion of Medicaid for adults up to 100 percent of the federal poverty leve...

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Talking Points: The American Health Care Act

The American Health Care Act would strip affordable coverage from working people, leaving millions uninsured and millions more facing drastically higher premiums and out-of-pocket costs. It would retu...

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Families USA files amicus in Columbus et al. v. Trump (“Take Care”) case

Families USA files amicus in Columbus et al. v. Trump (“Take Care”) case A coalition of cities (Columbus, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Chicago, and Philadelphia) and two individuals filed a lawsuit...

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Families USA and 48 National Organizations Urge Congress to Pursue Health Care Agenda

    Families USA, Community Catalyst, and over 45 national organizations representing health care stakeholders sent this letter to Congressional leadership, urging them to heed the strong ...

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Families USA’s Comments on Public Charge

Families USA commented on the Trump Administration’s proposed “public charge” rule. Under the administration’s proposal, immigrants could be considered a public charge, and therefore denied ...

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Families USA’s Public Comments on the Proposed Program Integrity Rule

On November 7, 2018—the morning after Election Day—the Trump administration proposed an “Exchange Program Integrity” rule governing coverage provided in health insurance marketplaces. Some p...

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