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Consumers First Letter to Congress Urging Action on COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a public health and economic crisis in the United States. Three months after the U.S. made its first COVID-19 diagnosis, more than a million people have contracted th...

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Over 400 Organizations Call on Congress to Prioritize Families’ Health in Next COVID-19 Relief Package

On April 23rd, 2020, Families USA led over 400 national, state, and community organizations in this letter to Congress outlining key health and health care priorities for the next COVID-19 response le...

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Health Equity Task Force Letter to Capitol Hill on COVID-19

On April 23, the Health Equity Task Force for Delivery and Payment Transformation, a Families USA coalition of national and state health equity advocates, sent a letter to Capitol Hill strongly urging...

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Families USA’s State Comment Letter on Oklahoma’s Per Capita Cap 1115 Waiver

Families USA submitted this letter in response to Oklahoma’s request for comments on its proposed section 1115 waiver to institute a per capita cap that limits federal funding for the state’s Medi...

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Response to Senate Finance Committee’s RFI on Solutions to Improve Maternal Health

Families USA, Every Mother Counts and March for Moms, organizations committed to the development of the strongest possible policies to support the health and wellbeing of moms and babies, responded to...

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Families USA’s “Give Families and States COVID-19 Support Now!” Coalition Sign-On Letter

As Congress takes action today to finalize “Phase 3” legislation responding to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the undersigned organizations, who are dedicated to protecting the health of childr...

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Families USA’s Comments on HIT NPRM CMS-9115-P

Families USA recently commented on a proposed CMS regulation aimed at promoting the interoperability of health information technology (health IT). We support the Administration’s efforts to utilize...

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No Surprises Letter: Congress Must Include an End to Surprise Billing in Pandemic Relief

Families are more vulnerable than usual right now to unexpected health care costs. The No Surprises Coalition sent this letter to Capitol Hill, urging leadership to act now and include surprise billin...

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Multi-Organization Letter to HHS Regarding COVID-19

We, the undersigned organizations, write with urgent guidance on how to best ensure access to coronavirus (COVID-19) testing and treatment during the current pandemic. We welcome guidance f...

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Families USA’s COVID-19 Recommendation Letter to the Hill

The recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States has exposed many deficiencies within our public health and health care systems. The disease’s spread has been made wor...

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