Visit Families USA’s Enrollment Assister Resource Center for more materials to help make this open enrollment a success. In addition to typical partners such as community groups, this open enrollment some assister and navigator organizations are coordinating… Read more.
11.17.2014 /
Joe Weissfeld,
Insights Column
January 14, 2015 [teleconference highlights] January 8, 2015 [teleconference highlights] December 17, 2014 [teleconference highlights] December 5, 2014 [teleconference highlights] In preparation for the start of the second open enrollment period for the health… Read more.
11.14.2014 /
Talia Schmidt,
Insights Column
Updated December 15, 2014 Here’s an important reminder for enrollment assisters and navigators this open enrollment period and beyond: People who fall in the coverage gap should still apply for health insurance—even though they… Read more.
11.11.2014 /
Andrea Callow,
Insights Column
This week’s midterm and gubernatorial elections shifted the political landscape dramatically. How will these changes affect the work of Families USA and other advocates whose goal is achieving affordable, high-quality health care? They will… Read more.
11.06.2014 /
Ron Pollack,
Insights Column
Much like a cell phone, an insurance plan is only as good as its network. Protections enacted at the federal and state levels are an important step toward strengthening private insurance provider networks. The… Read more.
10.23.2014 /
Insights Column