20 Picks from 2014 That Will Matter in 2015: Our Health Policy Experts’ Reading List
Last month, we asked our health policy experts to discuss the 2014 must-reads that will be relevant for the health care challenges that we face in 2015 (read the series). We compiled that series into a list below.
Health System Reform
1. Atul Gawande’s lecture first BBC Reith lecture
2. The New York Times: “Paid to Promote Eye Drug and Prescribing It Widely”
3. Video from “Choosing Wisely” about making smart health care decisions
4. New NIH proposal requiring researchers to report clinical trial results
5. Vox: “Why It’s about to Get a Lot Harder to Hide the Results of Medical Studies”
6. Newsweek: “Medical Science Has a Data Problem”
7. The New York Times: “Do Workplace Wellness Programs Work? Usually Not”
Health Insurance Marketplace
8. Kaiser Family Foundation: Marketplace Health Insurance FAQs
9. Consumers Union: Rate Review Resources
10. The New York Times: “After Surgery, Surprise $117,000 Medical Bill from Doctor He Didn’t Know”
11. Los Angeles Times: “Top Insurers Overstated Doctor Networks, California Regulators Charge”
12. Mental Health Association of New Jersey: Managed Care Network Adequacy Report
13. The Commonwealth Fund Survey: “Too-High a Price: Out-of-Pocket Health Care Costs in the U.S”
14. The New York Times article: “Unable to Meet the Deductible or the Doctor”
15. Time: “Why Millennials Hate Their Least Expensive Health Care Option
Marketplace Enrollment
16. Enroll America/Perry Undem: Messaging Framework for the Second Open Enrollment Period
17. Kaiser Family Foundation: Survey of Health Insurance Marketplace Assister Programs
18. Georgetown’s Center for Children and Families: Navigator Resource Guide on Private Health Insurance Coverage and the Health Insurance Marketplace
19. Families USA webinar: How to Talk to the Media
20. Get Covered Illinois: The “Luck” Health Plan Outreach Campaign