This blog was written by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and was originally posted on We know that young adults are the age group most likely to be uninsured and before health… Read more.
09.13.2011 /
Insights Column
You may have heard that thanks to the Affordable Care Act, preventive services are now offered free-of-charge to people with new insurance plans. And while it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that nipping… Read more.
09.12.2011 /
Erin Kelly,
Insights Column
Health insurance premiums are rising at alarming rates. Over the past decade, the cost of family coverage has increased by 131%. Growth of premiums far outpaces the growth of inflation and wages. And as the United… Read more.
09.08.2011 /
Insights Column
You know that things have gotten bad if a group of doctors who got together to provide health services to rural and low-income communities in developing nations has instead set up shop in the… Read more.
09.07.2011 /
Erin Kelly,
Insights Column
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. --Goethe Breast Cancer is a devastating disease. Unfortunately, this is a fact that I know all too well. Last weekend,… Read more.
09.01.2011 /
Insights Column