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People's Experience

Insurers trying to keep secrets from consumers

One of the key aspects of the Affordable Care Act is holding insurance companies more accountable. For far too long, insurers have jacked up the cost of premiums while not having to explain to the co...

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Protecting Consumers from Unreasonable Rate Increases

This blog was written by Steve Larsen and originally appeared on The health care law gives us new tools to protect consumers who are looking for health insurance in the private mar...

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You’re Invited to Health Action 2012!

Families USA is pleased to invite you to Health Action 2012! Come gather with health care justice advocates from across the country to discuss challenges and formulate plans for the coming year. ...

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With Deep Medicaid Cuts, GOP Budget Guts Access to Health Care

Early this week, House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) released the Republican budget, “A Balanced Budget for a Stronger America.” But the name is a marketing ploy. A close look at the ...

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Four Provisions to Watch in the New Medicaid Managed Care Rules

On Monday, the Obama administration issued sweeping new standards for health insurers that operate Medicaid managed care plans for the states. The new rules are a big deal in part because they affe...

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State Models for Addressing High and Rising Drug Prices

This guide outlines model policies for states to consider to rein in drug prices in 2019 and beyond. Those discussed first most directly target drug prices and therefore are likely to have the greate...

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