Health Equity

Leveraging the Health Care System to Prevent and Mitigate ACEs and Advance Health Equity in Childhood
All children deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential, but children of color and other marginalized groups are impacted by deeply entrenched structural and systemic economic, racial, an...
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Helping Our Children Grow and Thrive: Leveraging the Health Care System to Prevent and Mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences and Advance Equity in Childhood
As a nation, it is critical to our collective future that we ensure that all children have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Yet early adversity, toxic stress, and trauma are erecting l...
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Learnings in Leadership: Broderick Crawford, Kansas City, Kansas
Broderick Crawford is the President of NBC Community Development Corporation, founded by the New Bethel Church to serve the Wyandotte County community in Kansas. He has been working in health care for...
View MoreMedia Telebriefing: Health Problems of Working Class Women
The new Families USA report A Case for Solidarity: Common Challenges Involving Health and Health Care in the United States reveals that, among both whites and people of color, in rural and urban are...
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