Health Equity
Get Ready to Get Health Coverage
In user-friendly language, this brochure (PDF) lists the steps consumers should take to get ready to apply for health insurance and financial assistance. (Includes directions in English and Spanish....
View MoreAmendments to House GOP Repeal Bill Only Leave Consumers Worse Off
Late last night the House GOP released a new version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) – just two days before the full House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the repeal bill. As now w...
View MoreTop 3 Reasons to Reject the American Health Care Act
There are a lot of reasons the American Health Care Act is bad for consumers, but here are our top 3 reasons lawmakers should reject it. New Upton rule does virtually nothing to help the 133 mil...
View MoreThe MacArthur Amendment to Republicans’ Health Care Bill Will Hurt Millions
Republican congressional leaders are not giving up on repealing the Affordable Care Act. They now are pushing a modified version of its previously failed repeal bill, the American Health Care Act, wit...
View MoreAny Version of Repeal Harms Alaska Natives
Any bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and cut the Medicaid program would cause immediate and critical problems for American Indian and Alaska Native peoples. Repeal would ta...
View MoreBlueprint for Health Care Advocacy: How Community Health Workers Are Driving Health Equity and Value in New Mexico
Across the health care system, there is tremendous interest and momentum in reforming the way health care is delivered and paid for in order to improve health care quality and outcomes and at the same...
View MoreA Framework for Advancing Health Equity and Health Care Value: Policy Options For Reducing Health Inequities by Transforming Healthcare Delivery and Payment Systems
Families USA created the Health Equity Task Force for Delivery and Payment Transformation to bring together state and national health equity thought leaders to catalyze much-needed action to leverag...
View MoreTrump Administration ‘Public Charge’ Rule Threatens Health Care for Immigrant Families, Including U.S. Citizen Children
Last week, the Washington Post published a leaked draft of a proposed regulation to drastically change requirements for certain immigrants to enter the United States and/or become permanent resident...
View MoreHow States Can Use Medicaid Managed Care Contracts to Support Community Health Workers
Medicaid managed care contracting is a promising pathway for securing more sustainable funding for community health workers (CHWs). This issue brief provides examples of contract language that can b...
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