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Health Care Value

Principles to Advance Child Health and Well-Being in the 117th Congress: What Children and Families Need from Policymakers

As policymakers continue to focus on addressing the health and economic fallout from COVID-19, it is critical that the needs of children and families do not get lost in the shuffle. Even before the pa...

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California Takes Steps to Move Its Health Care System Toward Health Equity and Social Justice

Over the last two years, consumer advocates, community leaders, insurers, providers, community-based organizations, and other key stakeholders in California developed specific policy recommendations t...

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Nearly 200 Organizations Send Core Values to Prioritize in Next Relief Package to the Administration and Congressional Leadership

In a letter co-led by American Federations of Teachers, Community Catalyst, Families USA, National Partnership for Women & Families, and Protect Our Care, nearly 200 organizations urge the Biden A...

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Free COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments are Here: Why America’s Families Keep Paying

The COVID-19 pandemic provides a stark reminder that if any of us are sick, we are all at risk. Because we are all in this together, Americans have taken on the financial risk of investing tens of bil...

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Consumers First 2021 Administrative Agenda: Policy Solutions to Strengthen the Infrastructure of U.S. Health Care Payment and Delivery

This publication was co-authored by Erica Cischke; American Academy of Family Physicians; Shawn Gremminger, Purchaser Business Group on Health; Jeremy Hoffman, American Federation of Teacher; Shaun O'...

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Health Care Drumbeat Digital Toolkit: Messaging & Polling to Move Federal Action in 2021

As the 117th Congress and Biden administration work on their next big policy package, we are all building the drumbeat for action on health and health care. Based on extensive messaging research and r...

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Voters to Congress and President Biden: It’s Time to Go Big on Health Care Reform

  On March 17, Families USA and Hart Research Associates hosted a media briefing for the release of new polling data showing how COVID-19 has put health and health care reform at the top of ...

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Finishing the Job: Americans Want Action on the Cost of Health Care This Year, New Poll Shows

No one in this country should have to worry that they can’t afford the health care they need or have to choose between filling a prescription and paying rent or a mortgage. Families across America a...

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Families USA Letter of Support for Xavier Becerra to Serve as HHS Secretary

On February 22, Families USA sent the attached letter to Capitol Hill in support of the Hill's consideration of President Biden's nomination of California Attorney Xavier Becerra to serve as the Secre...

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Health Care at a Crossroads: Trends for 2021

Health care is now at a crossroads – with COVID-19, calls for greater equity and unity after a year of reckoning, and a new administration in the White House. The opportunities and expectations for ...

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