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Insurers trying to keep secrets from consumers

One of the key aspects of the Affordable Care Act is holding insurance companies more accountable. For far too long, insurers have jacked up the cost of premiums while not having to explain to the co...

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Setting the Record Straight: Privacy and Risk Adjustment

The creation of a risk adjustment program is a vital part of the Affordable Care Act. It lessens the incentive for insurance companies to enroll only healthy people by helping insurers cover the costs...

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It Works! The Affordable Care Act Helps Pennsylvanians with Pre-Existing Conditions

Millions across the country are benefitting from the Affordable Care Act. However, opponents are ignoring its positive results and fighting its implementation. What they don't want you to know is that...

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“The company my husband worked for was closing”

This past August, my husband, Don, brought home bad news—the company he worked for was closing. We would have to rethink our plans for health care coverage. We had a similar conversation last yea...

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Blue Shield refunds millions to customers

In a time when sky-high insurance premiums are the norm, Blue Shield customers have received some good news. The California-based nonprofit health insurer announced last Thursday that it will return $...

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American households $1,571 better off thanks to reform

Many American families are struggling during this economic downturn. But even before the recession hit, families were having a hard time keeping up with increasing health care costs. Over the past two...

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New Consumer Right to Health Coverage Information at Stake

If you struggle to understand what your health insurance policy covers and how much you will have to pay for medical care under your plan, you are not alone. Most Americans who have coverage in the pr...

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A Big Week in the Courts for Health Care, Especially for Medicaid

This week is shaping up to be an important one in the legal battle over the Affordable Care Act. Tuesday's decision from the DC Circuit Court of Appeals is a big win for supporters of the law. It's ...

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Celebrate National Caregivers Month

November is National Caregivers Month—a time to recognize and celebrate caregivers for their important role in our lives.  There are professional caregivers,  but there are also about 52 million u...

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Protecting Consumers from Unreasonable Rate Increases

This blog was written by Steve Larsen and originally appeared on The health care law gives us new tools to protect consumers who are looking for health insurance in the private mar...

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