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Medicaid’s Children’s Benefit—EPSDT—Supports the Unique Needs and Healthy Development of Children

The benefits of Medicaid coverage for children are wide-ranging, long-lasting, and extend beyond childhood. Compared to uninsured children, children covered by Medicaid have greater access to health s...

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Making Family Unity and Child Well-being a Priority in Immigration Enforcement

As a Trump administration-bred humanitarian crisis rages at the U.S. border, President Trump remains resolute that the answer is $5.7 billion in funding to erect steel border barriers. This adminis...

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Trump’s 2020 Budget: Revisiting “Repeal and Replace” and Adding New Cuts to Medicare and Medicaid

The Administration’s proposed budget is in part a return to policies that Americans have overwhelmingly rejected. It proposes to gut core insurance protections, end the expansion of Medicaid to low ...

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Families USA Comments on the Flores Resettlement Agreement

On September 7, the Trump administration took another step toward eliminating basic protections for immigrant children and their families who enter the U.S. without documentation—including those leg...

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Open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Children Health Insurance Program, Qualified Health Plan Issuers in Federal Facilitated Exchanges and Enrollee and Beneficiary Resources Regarding Privacy and Security

Families USA recently commented on a proposed CMS regulation aimed at promoting the interoperability of health information technology (health IT). We support the Administration’s efforts to uti...

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Six Reasons Work Requirements Are a Bad Idea for Medicaid

HHS has issued its first two approvals for state Medicaid waivers that make a person's health coverage contingent on their work status. Kentucky and Indiana are the first states to get approval for wa...

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Working Group on Child Health, Early Childhood, and Adverse Childhood Experiences Principles

Early experiences matter. They shape a child’s developmental trajectory and lifelong health and wellbeing. All too often children are exposed to adverse experiences such as abuse, living with a pare...

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No more out-of-network E.R. bills

A man falls off the roof while cleaning the gutters. His wife, panic-stricken, hops in the car and speeds down the highway to get him medical attention as quickly as possible while her husband writhes...

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Happy holidays to you

If we had to describe this year in one word, it would be “historic.” Although we had some bumps along the way, Congress finally stood up for the American people and passed the Affordable Care A...

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New Year, Same Old Lies

The New Year should welcome in a clean slate, but since opponents of reform won’t give up their campaign of misinformation, we have to set the record straight yet again. Let’s all say it togeth...

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