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How People in 19 States Will Benefit from the New Health Insurance Marketplaces

Starting on October 1, 2013, people across the country will be able to enroll in affordable, comprehensive health plans through their state's health insurance marketplace. Millions of Americans will a...

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How the Affordable Care Act Makes Health Coverage More Affordable

This fact sheet explains how the Affordable Care Act guarantees that more Americans can afford to buy health insurance by providing financial assistance to help people pay for coverage. And thanks to ...

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Seven Reasons the Trump Administration’s Short-Term Health Plans Are Harmful to Families

The Trump Administration wants to turn back the clock on protections for health care consumers established by the Affordable Care Act. This latest act of sabotage on the health law came in the form of...

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Job-Based Health Coverage and the Affordable Care Act: Why the Law Won’t Cause Employers to Drop Coverage

    If you're wondering how the Affordable Care Act will affect businesses that offer health insurance to their employees, you'll want to read this fact sheet full of data that demonstrate...

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Texas v. United States: The Latest Court Case to Threaten Health Coverage for Millions

Update: Judge O’Connor heard oral arguments in Texas v. United States on September 5, summarized in this Health Affairs article. It is not clear how quickly the judge will rule on a preliminary i...

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Special Enrollment Period for New Fathers

Father’s Day is a good time to let new fathers know they may qualify to buy health insurance for their family on the marketplace. Use our graphics to spread the word on social media! Having a bab...

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Keeping Coverage Affordable: Addressing CHIP “Premium Stacking”

This fact sheet examines the difficulty some low-income families will face with affording health coverage in the health insurance marketplaces. While the Affordable Care Act was designed ensure tha...

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How the Midterm Elections Could Impact People in America with Preexisting Conditions: National and Key State Fact Sheets, Infographics, and Tables

This midterm election season, some candidates want to take away health insurance protections for people with preexisting conditions. This would allow health insurers to return to abusive practices tha...

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The Promise of Care Coordination: Transforming Health Care Delivery

The Affordable Care Act includes opportunities for creativity in health care coordination programs. Care coordination is the concept of health care professionals working with patients to ensure that p...

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Seven State Options to Reduce the Number of Uninsured (and Stabilize Insurance Markets)

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) added 20 million people to the ranks of the insured, comprising our country’s largest coverage expansion since the creation of Medicare and Medicaid more than 50 years ...

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