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5 Weeks Left to Choose a Marketplace Health Insurance Plan—Sprinting to the Finish Line five weeks left before the close of the second open enrollment period in the health insurance marketplace on Febru...

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Protecting Consumers When Health Insurance Marketplaces Allow Direct Enrollment through Web Brokers

Some health insurance marketplaces allow “web brokers” to conduct direct enrollment. This means privately run web broker sites can enroll consumers in marketplace coverage and financial assistance...

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The American Health Care Act Fails America

Republicans in the House of Representatives moved forward this week to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by introducing the American Health Care Act (AHCA). Rather than build on the ACA’s histori...

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Momentum on Medicaid Expansion

Expanding Medicaid does more than extend health coverage to uninsured residents—many of whom are working Over the past few months, we have been closely monitoring the movement to expand Medicaid....

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Kentucky’s Medicaid Expansion Yields Coverage and Access to Important Preventive Care

Two recent reports illustrate how residents of Kentucky are benefiting from Medicaid expansion. The state experienced one of the largest drops in its uninsured rate in the country and a substantial in...

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Tennessee’s Medicaid Block Grant Proposal Will Hurt Families

This week, Tennessee released a proposal to block grant its Medicaid program based on legislation passed by state lawmakers this past spring. The proposal, entitled Amendment 42, is a radical restruct...

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Medicaid Stakeholder Comments on Proposed Access Rule

On September 13, Families USA was joined by twenty other national Medicaid stakeholder organizations in a comment letter to the administration on their proposal to rescind the Obama era regulation to ...

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Comments on Pending Utah Per Capita Cap 1115 Demonstration

Families USA submitted the attached comments on Utah's request to receive an enhanced 90-10 federal match for its partial expansion of Medicaid for adults up to 100 percent of the federal poverty leve...

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Affordable Health Insurance Lightens This Bodybuilder’s Burdens

A weight is lifted for Sudan, a bodybuilder, thanks to the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace insurance. Sudan works as a personal trainer for members of the military and their families at an ...

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How to Counter Trump Administration Cuts to Marketplace Enrollment Funding

Yesterday, the Trump administration announced drastic funding cuts for outreach and enrollment. This deliberate effort to sabotage the health care law follows previous efforts to reduce marketpla...

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