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Wyoming Must Expand Medicaid Now to Protect Its Workers

In Wyoming, tens of thousands of working people are losing their jobs and their job-based health insurance as the country grapples with a massive public health crisis. Because Wyoming has not expanded...

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Mississippi Must Expand Medicaid Now to Protect Its Workers

In Mississippi, tens of thousands of working people are losing their jobs and their job-based health insurance as the country grapples with a massive public health crisis. Because Mississippi has not ...

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The State of Rural Health

Families across America are facing an uncertain future, with concerns about health care front and center. Anxieties fueled by the pandemic are driving conversations about the quality of health care, a...

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Modernizing Public Benefit Eligibility During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Long-Term Lessons and Short-Term Recommendations

The novel coronavirus has triggering the worst public health emergency in a century and the deepest economic collapse since the 1930s. Millions of middle-class families in America are thus seeking pub...

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Webinar: Affordable Medicines are Still Elusive: America’s Families Want Fair Prices

Even before the pandemic, too many families were struggling to make ends meet and making difficult trade-offs between paying for basic needs and unaffordable medicines.  These life-altering trade-off...

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Meeting this Moment: Preparing to Seize a New Opportunity for Health Care Reform

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the health and economic security of every person in our nation, providing us with a new understanding of health. Among many important lessons, COVID-19 has made clea...

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Joint Letter of Support for the Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services (MOMS) Act of 2019

The Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services (MOMS) Act of 2019, introduced by Rep. Robin Kelly, chair of the Congressional Black Caucus Health Braintrust, and co-led by Representatives Michael Burge...

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Key Protections for America’s Families Are at Risk: The Rushed Supreme Court Confirmation Is an Attack on Our Nation’s Health

Following the recent death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the rush to confirm President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee puts our nation’s health at grave risk. In the midst of the greatest public h...

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U.S. Health Care in the Midst of a Global Pandemic: A Message from Rural America

In 2020, America has found itself in the grips of a global pandemic that triggered the worst health and economic crises in generations. While the long-term ramifications from the COVID-19 (2019 Novel ...

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What is Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion?

Joe Weissfeld: What is Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion? [embed][/embed] Families USA's Director of Medicaid Initiatives, Joe Weissfeld explains what Medicaid and Medi...

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