Private Insurance Coverage
Holly and her family had employer-sponsered insurance through her husband's work, so they worried what would happen when her husband was laid-off. With the help of advance premium tax credits (APTCs) Holly's family has good, affordable coverage with tax credits to pay for monthly premiums.
Private Insurance
Stephanie needed iron infusions following a kidney transplant, but care was delayed due to issues with prior authorization through her insurance provider. Thanks to the repeated efforts of Stephanie's mother Lauren, her caretaker and advocate, Stephanie got the care she needed within 72 hours. A health advocate in her own right, Lauren wonders "how are other patients dealing with this?"
Surprise Medical Bills
When she was 16 years old Christine needed a life-saving surgery at a childrens hospital out-of-state. The hours long ambulance ride resulted in an over $5,000 surprise bill that her parents weren't prepared for, placing a heavy financial toll on the family. How can patients be protected from these surprise bills?
After her pregnancy and postpartum period, Lakeisha. an essential worker for the government, no longer qualified for Medicaid. When she was hospitalized for walking pnemonia and nable to receive short-term disability, Lakeisha was forced to take out loans to cover her medical bills.
Payment and Delivery System Reform
After several years of struggling and meeting with numerous doctors, Laura was finally diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. The prescriptions needed for her condition are not covered by her insurance, despite appeals by her doctors. Laura is faced with the difficult choice of paying for food, or paying for medication.
Rx Drug Pricing
In 2012, Deidre was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, and her condition requires insulin. Due to an insulin shortage and rapidly rising costs, Deidre gets half of her insulin from a pharmaceutical company based in Canada. How can patients be expected to acquire life-saving medication at home if costs keep rising?
Rx Drug Pricing
As a thyroid cancer survivor, Gail was prescribed medication by her endocrinologist. She also suffers from asthma and a bronchial condition. The costs of her medications in the United States would absorb her pension, so she sought an alternative by getting medication delivered from Canada.
Rx Drug Pricing
Savannah struggled to find the right medication(s) for her chronic illnesses at 16 years old. Through multiple trials, Savannah was able to find medication that was right for her; but it came with a a massive price tag, and led to disputes with her insurance company. Savannah hopes that sharing her story will help others feel empowered to demand real change.
Rx Drug Pricing
Diagnosed with Type I diabetes at a young age, Sa'Ra and her sister shared a condition, but not equal access to insulin. Sa'Ra deductible for her insurance restricted her insulin access, and when her sister tried to help by sharing her own insulin supply, she ended up in the hospital.
Rx Drug Pricing
Due to the insulin shortage and outrageous cost of medication, Antroinette lost her oldest daughter, who was a Type 1 diabetic. Now armed with the knowledge of the dire importance of insulin, Antroinette is devoted to protecting and caring for her younger daughter, who is also diabetic.