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Insights Column 08.31.2017

Welcome Back Congress with a Request to Protect Our Care

When Congress returns to D.C. from August recess, they will dive right into work that presents both opportunities and threats for health care. As a result, September will be a good time for health…

Insights Column 08.23.2017

How MACRA Can Reduce Health Disparities

Recently, Families USA submitted comments on a proposed rule from CMS for how it will implement the second year of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA). MACRA was passed in 2015 with bipartisan support…

Insights Column 08.16.2017

Congressional Budget Office Shows the Impact of Trump’s CSR Sabotage

For months, President Trump has been threatening to cancel so-called called “cost-sharing reduction” payments, or CSRs. This is apparently part of his brazen strategy to “implode” health insurance marketplaces and force Democrats to negotiate about the Affordable Care Act’s…

Fact Sheet 08.07.2017

Section 1115 Waivers: Limits and Overreach

Section 1115 of the Social Security Act gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) the discretion to let states waive certain Medicaid requirements to carry out an “experimental, pilot or demonstration project…