Displaying 631 - 640 of 1671
Families USA submitted this letter in response to CMS’s request for comments on Utah’s proposal to amend its section 1115 waiver to expand Medicaid eligibility to cover individuals up to 138% of the Federal…
Affordable, accessible, high-quality oral health care services are crucial to the overall health of our nation. Making sure that low-income adults can obtain these services requires a particularly concerted effort. California is a leader…
Families USA submitted this letter in response to Nebraska’s request for comments on its proposed application for a section 1115 waiver to create a two-tiered benefit package and add reporting requirements related to work…
New research supports the value and versatility of CHWs and PPs in advancing health equity. This webinar will discuss our evidence-based and equity-focused policy recommendations to better include this powerful workforce in the health…
Raw Data
Voters across America have spoken, and they want Congress to end surprise medical bills. Nine out of 10 voters, across party lines, support legislation that would end surprise medical bills. By more than nine…
Insights Column
NOTE: This blog was originally published in Medium on November 5, 2019. Once upon a time, our nation’s leaders worked together across party lines to help America’s children grow up healthy and strong. In…
Be sure to follow us on Twitter @FamiliesUSA to take part in our #PassABillOrPayMine Digital Day of Action on Tuesday, November 12th, as we fight to hold our Members of Congress accountable for failing…
As decision-makers seek to transform health care delivery and payment systems to increase value, improve outcomes, and control costs, they need clinical, health systems, and population health research, as well as other scientific evidence,…
Insights Column
Consumers Need Relief from Big Pharma’s High Prices The United States is facing a crisis in prescription drug prices. High drug prices are forcing families and consumers to make impossible choices between their health…
Families USA submitted this letter in response to Utah’s request for comments on its proposed application to amend its section 1115 waiver to expand Medicaid eligibility to cover individuals up to 138% of the…