Video 07.01.2020
Medicaid Expansion Can Help Missouri Combat the COVID-19 Crisis Video Analysis
Medicaid Expansion Can Help Missouri Combat the COVID-19 Crisis
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Medicaid Expansion Can Help Missouri Combat the COVID-19 Crisis
Note: Be sure to click on the links to see Missourians explain why the state needs to expand Medicaid. Medicaid Expansion Can Help Missouri Combat the COVID-19 Crisis Medicaid expansion has never been more…
Families USA submitted this letter in response to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ request for comments on Oklahoma’s proposed section 1115 waiver to institute a work reporting requirement as well as a…
Families USA created an infographic to supplement "The Fierce Urgency of Now: Federal and State Policy Recommendations to Address Health Inequities in the Era of COVID-19." The companion report can be found here. Disparities…
Consumers First: The Alliance to Make the Health Care System Work for Everyone brings together interests from consumers, children, employers, labor unions, and primary care working to change the fundamental economic incentives and design…
The COVID-19 recession, aggravated by worldwide drops in oil prices, has eliminated hundreds of thousands of Oklahoma jobs. Oklahoma voters have the opportunity to take a major step to address these serious economic problems…
Stan Dorn and Carly Putnam discuss Medicaid Expansion in Oklahoma
In the middle of a pandemic that has already claimed more than 115,000 American lives, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a final regulation of the Affordable Care Act that…
States, localities, territories and Tribes are losing revenue at the same time as their resources are urgently needed to not only staff pandemic response and sustain health care services, but also to save jobs…
Aviva Williamson Shares Her Experience With COVID-19