2020 Archives - Page 10 of 23 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


“COVID Coverage” Is Not Enough: The American People Need Comprehensive Health Insurance During the Coronavirus Pandemic and Resulting Economic Crash

Less than six months after the first COVID-19 diagnosis in America, the virus had taken a terrible toll. More than 125,000 U.S. residents had died of the disease, exceeding total American casualties i...

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Highlights from the States: Innovative Programs to Support Children during COVID-19

Based on current research, children are less likely than adults to contract COVID-19 or to have significant health consequences because of a COVID-19 infection. However, children have been impacted by...

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Consumers First Comment Letter to the Federal Government on the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule

Consumers First is an alliance that brings together the interests of consumers, children, employers, labor unions, and primary care working to change the fundamental economic incentives and design of ...

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Medicare Oral Health Coverage: A Winning Issue (Statement to the Presidental Platform Committees)

Families USA is proud to join our partners in the Medicare Oral Health Coalition in the following statement encouraging the Presidential Platform Committees to prioritize Medicare oral health coverage...

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The Fierce Urgency of Now: Federal and State Policy Recommendations to Address COVID-19 Health Inequities

Public conversations surrounding COVID-19 health outcomes in Black and Latino communities must address the role of structural racism, including how community trauma, neighborhood disinvestment, and en...

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Medicaid Expansion Can Help Missouri Combat the COVID-19 Crisis Video Analysis

Medicaid Expansion Can Help Missouri Combat the COVID-19 Crisis [embed]https://youtu.be/E1QbYcNvBpQ[/embed]

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Families USA’s Federal Comment Letter On Oklahoma’s Soonercare 2.0 1115 Waiver

Families USA submitted this letter in response to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ request for comments on Oklahoma’s proposed section 1115 waiver to institute a work reporting re...

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Fighting to Put People’s Interests at the Center of Health Care Payment and Delivery: A Critical Opportunity

Consumers First: The Alliance to Make the Health Care System Work for Everyone brings together interests from consumers, children, employers, labor unions, and primary care working to change the funda...

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Medicaid Expansion in Oklahoma: Creating jobs, Helping The State Budget Video

Stan Dorn and Carly Putnam discuss Medicaid Expansion in Oklahoma [embed]https://youtu.be/9B_uOmJ2QvM[/embed]

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Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma: Creating jobs, Helping the State Budget, and Protecting Families

The COVID-19 recession, aggravated by worldwide drops in oil prices, has eliminated hundreds of thousands of Oklahoma jobs. Oklahoma voters have the opportunity to take a major step to address these s...

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