2019 Archives - Page 15 of 16 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


State Efforts to Rein in High Drug Prices in the 2019 Session

This summary outlines significant policies that advanced in 2019 addressing prescription drug prices in states all over the country. Advocates and lawmakers can gain a sense of what has been made pos...

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Oral Health Coverage in the 2019 State Legislatures: Victories, Budget Cuts, and Opportunities for Future Progress

Comprehensive oral health coverage allows us all to have better oral health, better overall health, and improved quality of life. Yet oral health coverage and care remain out of reach for millions of ...

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Families USA’s Letter to Senators Grassley and Wyden on The Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act 2019

On Tuesday, July 23, 2019, the Senate Finance Committee announced the Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act of 2019, groundbreaking bipartisan legislation to improve the lives of millions of familie...

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Health Services Initiatives: Using a CHIP State Plan Option to Address Asthma Among Children in Low-Income Households

Asthma remains one of the most pressing, costly, and persistent public health problems. It affects more than 26 million people in the United States, including over 6 million children. In-home interven...

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Amici Curiae Brief of Families USA, National Partnership for Women, et al challenging Trump administration rules for Association Health Plans

    Families USA, together with National Partnership for Women and Families, National Women’s Law Center, National Employment Law Project, National Health Law Program, United Hospit...

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Leveraging the Health Care System to Prevent and Mitigate ACEs and Advance Health Equity in Childhood

All children deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential, but children of color and other marginalized groups are impacted by deeply entrenched structural and systemic economic, racial, an...

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Families USA Support Letter for Cadillac Tax Repeal

On July 15, Families USA sent this letter to Capitol Hill in support of H.R. 748, the Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2019, which will be considered by the full House of Representativ...

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Helping Our Children Grow and Thrive: Leveraging the Health Care System to Prevent and Mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences and Advance Equity in Childhood

As a nation, it is critical to our collective future that we ensure that all children have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Yet early adversity, toxic stress, and trauma are erecting l...

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Learnings in Leadership: Broderick Crawford, Kansas City, Kansas

Broderick Crawford is the President of NBC Community Development Corporation, founded by the New Bethel Church to serve the Wyandotte County community in Kansas. He has been working in health care for...

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State Models for Addressing High and Rising Drug Prices

This guide outlines model policies for states to consider to rein in drug prices in 2019 and beyond. Those discussed first most directly target drug prices and therefore are likely to have the greate...

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