2019 Archives - Page 10 of 16 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


There’s no pain-free way to get beyond silver loading

This blog’s readers know that President Trump’s termination of federal cost-sharing-reduction (CSR) payments in late 2017 had unexpected effects. Intended as a deadly blow to the Affordable Care A...

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Utah Wastes $6.6 Million Every Month by Refusing to Fully Expand

Utah Wastes $6.6 Million Every Month by Refusing to Fully Expand Medicaid In 2018, Utah voters passed Proposition 3, a ballot initiative to fully expand Medicaid. However, the Utah legislature over...

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Making Family Unity and Child Well-being a Priority in Immigration Enforcement

As a Trump administration-bred humanitarian crisis rages at the U.S. border, President Trump remains resolute that the answer is $5.7 billion in funding to erect steel border barriers. This adminis...

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Trump’s 2020 Budget: Revisiting “Repeal and Replace” and Adding New Cuts to Medicare and Medicaid

The Administration’s proposed budget is in part a return to policies that Americans have overwhelmingly rejected. It proposes to gut core insurance protections, end the expansion of Medicaid to low ...

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Open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Children Health Insurance Program, Qualified Health Plan Issuers in Federal Facilitated Exchanges and Enrollee and Beneficiary Resources Regarding Privacy and Security

Families USA recently commented on a proposed CMS regulation aimed at promoting the interoperability of health information technology (health IT). We support the Administration’s efforts to uti...

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Working Group on Child Health, Early Childhood, and Adverse Childhood Experiences Principles

Early experiences matter. They shape a child’s developmental trajectory and lifelong health and wellbeing. All too often children are exposed to adverse experiences such as abuse, living with a pare...

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Medicaid Is the Nation’s Safety Net: Five GIFs

Medicaid is the nation's safety net. Tens of millions of working families, children, seniors, and people with disabilities rely on Medicaid. It helps fund doctors and hospitals that deliver health car...

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Families USA’s Comments on Pending Healthy Indiana Plan 1115 Workforce Bridge Account Amendment

Families USA submitted this comment letter in response to CMS's request for comment on Indiana's application for a new Section 1115 Medicaid waiver amending its existing waiver, Healthy Indiana Progr...

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Partial Expansion Does Not Really Close the Coverage Gap: The Impact of Individual Market vs. Medicaid Expansion Coverage for 100-138% FPL Population

This analysis highlights the coverage and financial burden that non-elderly adults between 100-138% of the Federal Poverty Level experience when enrolled in individual market coverage compared to cove...

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The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on State Budgets

States’ experience shows that Medicaid expansion at the enhanced federal match can generate state savings across multiple budget areas. Those savings can be substantial, offsetting most or all of th...

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