2018 Archives - Page 2 of 14 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


The Trump Tax on Health Insurance: CBO Report Shows 31-54% Premium Spike

On May 23, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its latest analysis of health insurance coverage and costs. Much of the report’s media coverage has focused on the projected 15...

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Short-Term Plans Do Not Cover Life-Saving Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment

Families USA, Mental Health America, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and the National Council for Behavioral Health are four nonprofit, nonpartisan organizations that represent health care co...

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CMS Suspends Risk Adjustment Program, Endangering Health of Millions

On July 7, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a policy change that could fundamentally undermine the individual market, endangering health care for millions of people who g...

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Seven Reasons the Trump Administration’s Short-Term Health Plans Are Harmful to Families

The Trump Administration wants to turn back the clock on protections for health care consumers established by the Affordable Care Act. This latest act of sabotage on the health law came in the form of...

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Texas v. United States: The Latest Court Case to Threaten Health Coverage for Millions

Update: Judge O’Connor heard oral arguments in Texas v. United States on September 5, summarized in this Health Affairs article. It is not clear how quickly the judge will rule on a preliminary i...

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How the Midterm Elections Could Impact People in America with Preexisting Conditions: National and Key State Fact Sheets, Infographics, and Tables

This midterm election season, some candidates want to take away health insurance protections for people with preexisting conditions. This would allow health insurers to return to abusive practices tha...

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Seven State Options to Reduce the Number of Uninsured (and Stabilize Insurance Markets)

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) added 20 million people to the ranks of the insured, comprising our country’s largest coverage expansion since the creation of Medicare and Medicaid more than 50 years ...

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Does Your Candidate Actually Support Protections for People With Preexisting Conditions? The Three-Part Test

Many members of Congress and other policymakers have taken actions that do not support protections for people with preexisting conditions, and instead support policies that would let insurance compani...

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Beware! New Guidance on Section 1332 Waivers Opens 
the Way for Serious Harm

Under Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act, states are allowed to apply for state innovation waivers that waive certain parts of the act’s requirements1 for private health insurance and marketpl...

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Proposed Program Integrity Rule: The Potentially Good and the Bad

UPDATE: 1/8/19 - Links to Families USA's comments on the proposed Program Integrity Rule are available here. On November 7, 2018—the morning after Election Day—the Trump administration propos...

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