Does Your Candidate Actually Support Protections for People With Preexisting Conditions? The Three-Part Test - Families Usa Skip to Main Content

Does Your Candidate Actually Support Protections for People With Preexisting Conditions? The Three-Part Test


Many members of Congress and other policymakers have taken actions that do not support protections for people with preexisting conditions, and instead support policies that would let insurance companies once again discriminate. Now many of these same policymakers are running for federal and state office, claiming that they support people with preexisting conditions. They promote insufficient policies that do not fully protect people with preexisting conditions, and try to hide their past actions that would harm people with preexisting conditions.

How can you know the truth about a candidate’s support for preexisting condition protections? Families USA has developed a simple three-part test to identify which candidates actually support people with preexisting conditions and which ones don’t.