2017 Archives - Page 10 of 17 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


Advocates Should Comment on Radical Maine and Utah Medicaid Waiver Proposals

A growing number of states are using the waiver process to make fundamental changes to the Medicaid program. Many of these waivers set a dangerous precedent for the Medicaid program and affect the ent...

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Trump Administration Will Approve Work Requirements in Medicaid

Today, in a speech to the National Association of Medicaid Directors, CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced that the Trump Administration is approving Medicaid waivers that impose work requirements ...

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What Maine’s Medicaid Expansion Victory Means for Health Care

Last night, Maine voters took control at the ballot box to expand health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion. The decisive win--with nearly 60 percent of the vote-- shows ...

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Drug Testing in Medicaid Is Illegal and Hurts the People Who Need Help Most

Recently, the state of Wisconsin submitted an application to the federal government seeking Medicaid waiver authority to make drug testing a condition of eligibility for the state’s adult Medicaid...

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Congress Should Act Immediately to Address Health Crises in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands

Today, Families USA and 125 community, provider, labor, and patient organizations sent a letter urging Congress to take immediate action to address the post-hurricane health crises in Puerto Rico an...

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Continuous Coverage Requirements: A More Harmful, Less Effective Mandate

People with pre-existing conditions, low-income consumers, and others would not fare well under the continuous coverage provisions contained in both Speaker Paul Ryan’s bill to repeal the Affordable...

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Medicaid Cuts Could Cause Grave Harm to Seniors and People with Disabilities

States will be forced to dramatically cut the services Medicaid covers and cut the number of people who qualify for them if Congress makes changes in state Medicaid funding. And the services that stat...

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President Trump’s ACA Changes Will Increase Costs to Consumers, Make It Harder to Enroll in Coverage

Yesterday, despite overwhelming opposition from consumers and a variety of other stakeholders, the Trump Administration finalized proposed changes to the individual health insurance market for 2018 ...

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Unleashing the Power of Community Health Workers: The CHW Sustainability Collaborative

Right now, it is no surprise that the bulk of health care advocates’ energy is dedicated to fighting to protect the historic coverage gains made under the Affordable Care Act. But even as we enga...

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House Republicans Gut Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions in Latest Proposal

Update 5/5/17: Republicans in the House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act, as their bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act is called. It now goes to the Senate. Visit our Prote...

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