2015 Archives - Page 5 of 13 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


Momentum on Medicaid Expansion

Expanding Medicaid does more than extend health coverage to uninsured residents—many of whom are working Over the past few months, we have been closely monitoring the movement to expand Medicaid.Â...

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Tackling Health Disparities While Reforming Payment and Delivery

In part 1 of this blog series, we explained that efforts to reform health care delivery and payment methods could be a double-edged sword for communities of color and described one example of a susta...

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Why Reforming Health Care Payment and Delivery is a Health Equity Issue

This is part one of a two-part blog series describing the models three organizations are using to tackle community-level barriers to high-quality care for people of color and save their state Medica...

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Medicaid Expansion States See Financial Savings and Health Care Jobs Growth

States that have expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act are seeing major budget savings, according to reports released in the past month. These budget savings coupled with new data linking Me...

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Medicaid Expansion Linked to Earlier Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetes

New research suggests that the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act is linked to better diagnosis of one of America’s most lethal and costly diseases: diabetes. In a study published l...

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Kentucky’s Medicaid Expansion Yields Coverage and Access to Important Preventive Care

Two recent reports illustrate how residents of Kentucky are benefiting from Medicaid expansion. The state experienced one of the largest drops in its uninsured rate in the country and a substantial in...

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Indiana: King v. Burwell Could Put Health Insurance at Risk

The Supreme Court, in the King v. Burwell case, will soon decide whether millions of people in 34 states will lose premium tax credits they rely on to make health insurance affordable. Without tho...

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Private Insurance Advocacy Checklist: Getting to Know Your State’s Health Insurance Landscape

    This checklist is designed to help advocates and consumers understand who makes decisions about private insurance in their states. It explains how private health insurance is regulate...

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King v. Burwell: An analogy

On March 4, 2015, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on King v. Burwell, a lawsuit that seeks to eliminate financial assistance (the Affordable Care Act’s premium tax subsidies that help low- to ...

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Consumer Videos: Health Care At Risk

On March 4, 2015, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on King v. Burwell, a legal case that threatens to strip premium tax credits from residents in two-thirds of states, thus putting 9.3 million ...

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