How Expanding Medicaid Saves Medicare Money
A recent report from the Government Accounting Office(GAO) points to one more reason why expanding health coverage under the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) makes good economic sense. Expanding Medi...
View MoreHow to Help Residents in States That Are Not Expanding Medicaid
Enrollment assisters and stakeholder organizations are working tirelessly to help consumers enroll in health coverage that meets their needs and budgets. But for enrollment assisters working in states...
View MoreHow Medicaid Expansion Benefits Women with HIV/AIDS
42% of HIV-positive women do not get needed treatment and drugs March is National Women’s History Month. As part of this month of honoring women’s strength, resilience, and leadership, March 10 w...
View MoreNew Study Shows Increase in Hospital Use Following Medicaid Expansion Is Mostly Temporary
A new study released by the UCLA Center for Health Care Research pokes holes in an argument that opponents of Medicaid expansion often use to justify their opposition: that giving uninsured people M...
View MoreLive from Health Action 2014…Thursday 1/23/14
From: Kate Blocher 6:00pm That wraps up the first day of Health Action 2014. Make sure to join us tomorrow morning when we'll hear from Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear about his experiences implem...
View MoreMy Coverage Story
This video explains the new options you have for buying health insurance through your state's marketplace. Insurers can no longer discriminate based on pre-existing conditions or gender, and they can ...
View MoreFree or Subsidized Health Coverage Available to Most Uninsured African Americans through Affordable Care Act
Last month, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a report on the benefits of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that gave more than 4 million uninsured African Americans one more ...
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