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Stakeholders Push House of Representatives to go Bold on Prescription Drug Reform

On September 22, 2021, Families USA, alongside AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Protect Our Care, and Public Citizen, led over 100 national, state, and community organizations calling on the U.S. House of Representat...

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Consumers First Submits Comment Letter to CMS Recommending Higher Penalty on Hospital Price Transparency Regulation

Consumers First submitted a detailed comment letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on the CY 2022 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System proposed rule. The letter makes the ...

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Diverse Stakeholders Support House Energy & Commerce Drug Pricing Legislation Heading Into Markup of H.R. 3

On Monday, September 13, over 40 diverse stakeholder organizations ranging from consumers, labor unions, employers, patient groups, and others, thanked Chairman Frank Pallone (NJ) for pursuing bold dr...

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Consumers First Submits Comments to CMS on CY2022 Physician Payment Rule Laying Out Vision for Telehealth Payment and Delivery Beyond the Pandemic

Consumers First submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on the CY 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule which sets the payment rates for how most physicians a...

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Families USA Federal Comment Letter on TennCare III

Families USA submitted this letter in response to CMS' request for comments on Tennessee's Section 1115 demonstration that was approved in the final days of the Trump Administration. Multiple eleme...

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Over 75 organizations thank key senators for their leadership on prioritizing Medicare price negotiations

On August 19, 2021, Families USA led over 75 national, state, and community organizations in thanking five key Senators who courageously filed an amendment that declared strong support for including M...

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Families USA Responds to Congressional Request for Information on the Public Option

Families USA supports public option policies, and we believe they offer tremendous potential to achieve these important goals. With careful policy design, a public option could be especially valuable ...

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Comments on the Improving Health Insurance Markets for 2022 and Beyond Proposed Rule

In this comment letter, we respond to the Biden administration's proposed rule governing important aspects of the health insurance Marketplaces. First, we provide feedback on the proposed payment para...

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Medicare Oral Health Coalition Letter of Support: Medicare Dental, Hearing, and Vision Benefit Act of 2021

On behalf of the Medicare Oral Health Coalition – which includes leading organizations representing oral health, health care consumers, older adults, people with disabilities, patients, providers, i...

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Letter sent to Senate and House leadership signed by key stakeholders urging them to act now to address the high cost of prescription drugs

Families USA, the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, and Purchaser Business Group on Health led a letter signed by key stakeholders representing labor, consumers, employers, and others to Senate and House leadership on...

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