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Presidential Broken Promises: Short Analyses on Prescription Drugs, Pre-Existing Conditions and Health Insurance Coverage, Medicare, and Medicaid

We are now over three years into Donald Trump’s presidency. President Trump has delivered the final State of the Union address and introduced the final budget proposal of his first term. We can now ...

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Collateral Damage: The Administration’s Public Charge Immigration Restrictions are Endangering Health Coverage for U.S.-Citizen Children

For more than a generation, Democratic and Republican administrations alike held to two core commitments: Children should have the health insurance they need for a good start in life; and immigrant fa...

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For Utah, A Work Requirement by Any Other Name … Will Still Be Struck Down in Court

To date, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved Medicaid work requirement waivers in 11 states, accepting these states’ various justifications for adding onerous require...

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Healthy Adult Opportunity: An Empty Promise from the Trump Administration

On January 30, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released its long-rumored guidance on Medicaid block grants. This letter to state Medicaid directors invites states to restructure...

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Nebraska’s Proposed Medicaid Reporting Requirements: A Costly Burden on the State’s Government

In Nebraska, Governor Ricketts is proposing a complex set of reporting requirements and bureaucratic hurdles as part of the long-delayed implementation of Nebraska’s voter-approved Medicaid expansio...

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