Health advocates share the hope that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the racial and ethnic health disparities that remain realities in today’s health care system. These disparities transcend age, gender, and ailment. African… Read more.
01.17.2014 /
Kevin Oshinskie,
Insights Column
Last week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the latest data from the National Health Expenditure Accounts, which show the portion of our economy that was devoted to health care spending in… Read more.
01.16.2014 /
Insights Column
Throughout the past six months, the health care advocacy community has focused on outreach and enrollment in the new health insurance marketplaces. This work will continue, but with the New Year, we welcome another… Read more.
01.15.2014 /
Kathleen Stoll,
Insights Column
Last month, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a report on the benefits of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that gave more than 4 million uninsured African Americans one more reason to celebrate… Read more.
01.10.2014 /
Kevin Oshinskie,
Insights Column
The flexibility and affordability of new health plans under the Affordable Care Act has led to an increased number of young adults buying health coverage. Though the media often criticize Millennials for their so-called… Read more.
01.07.2014 /
Insights Column