Under the Affordable Care Act, no American can be denied coverage, charged a higher monthly premium, or sold a policy that excludes coverage of important health services just because he or she has a… Read more.
03.06.2014 /
Insights Column
Lately, the media have been covering three provisions—risk adjustment, reinsurance, and risk corridors—that were created by the Affordable Care Act. The new health law’s opponents have been highly critical of these provisions (risk corridors… Read more.
02.25.2014 /
Kathleen Stoll,
Insights Column
As we celebrate Black History Month and remember the contributions of African-Americans throughout our nation's history, it's important to also focus on the work that still lies ahead to achieve racial justice. Decades ago,… Read more.
02.21.2014 /
Kevin Oshinskie,
Insights Column
Earlier this month, a federal district court judge in Idaho examined whether a merger between a large hospital system, St. Luke’s, and the state’s largest independent network of doctors would create monopoly conditions. This… Read more.
02.19.2014 /
Kim Bailey,
Kathleen Stoll,
Insights Column
As we move into the last two months of the open enrollment period, government officials and advocates are thinking about how to better reach consumers and help them select a plan to enroll in.… Read more.
02.13.2014 /
Cheryl Fish-Parcham,
Insights Column