This post was written by guest blogger, Danielle Garrett, Policy Analyst, National Women’s Law Center, Access to affordable health coverage is important for everyone, but it is a particularly salient issue for women. Women… Read more.
03.17.2014 /
Danielle Garrett,
Insights Column
Americans want Congress to improve the Affordable Care Act, not repeal it, according to two recent polls from Kaiser Tracking Health and Garin Hart Yang Research Group. But a special election in Florida this week has political analysts… Read more.
03.14.2014 /
Ron Pollack,
Insights Column
As the March 31 deadline approaches for enrolling in health insurance in the marketplace, we would like to address one concern that could be unnecessarily holding back hundreds of thousands of families: fear of… Read more.
03.12.2014 /
Kevin Oshinskie,
Insights Column
Enrollment assisters and stakeholder organizations are working tirelessly to help consumers enroll in health coverage that meets their needs and budgets. But for enrollment assisters working in states that have not yet expanded Medicaid,… Read more.
03.11.2014 /
Elaine Saly,
Zachary Baron,
Insights Column
There are now 24 days until March 31—the last day to buy health insurance through the marketplace. As of the end of January, 3.3 million people had signed up for coverage, and the Obama Administration has… Read more.
03.07.2014 /
Insights Column